
After graduating college, Alex put everything in a backpack and started walking. She lived and worked in a few different countries in Europe over the course of two years. During her time abroad she sketched objects and scenes from her travels. When Alex returned to the States, she landed in Richmond, VA where she wanted to introduce color into her black ink drawings. She found silkscreen printing by joining a local art organization in the Printmaking Studio.

Analog Artworks was formed in the summer of 2020 when Alex was found with time to focus solely on experimenting with ink drawings and silkscreen printing. She took inspiration from the vibrancy of produce she saw at local farmers markets. With drawing as the foundation of her design process, Alex created a series of silkscreen prints experimenting with the forms she could create through physical mark making.

Alex views her art as a medium for researching the world around her. She focuses on designs that highlight nature’s small intricacies, building upon each other to create larger forms. Her goal with Analog Artworks is to spark this same curiosity with her fellow observer and draw new connections with objects, people, and space.